Hello there! We're six sisters, we're Lanie, Kassy, Felicity, Emeline, Meg and Sarah. We're making this blog together, we'll have fun posts, pictures, quizzes and crafts! Here is a bit of all of us.
Okay since I'm the oldest I'll go first. My name is Lanie Holland, I was adopted after Felicity bu I'm older, I'm eleven. I was adopted from Boston, Massachusetts.I love hiking, camping, climbing tree's, playing with animals and anything else outdoorsy! My best friend is Chrissa. Maxwell.
(She's Alanna's doll click here to see her blog.) Here is a picture of me:
It's my turn now! I'm Kassandra Evans, but you can call me Kassy. I was adopted from California with my little sisters Meg and Sarah. I'm a girly girl who loves cheerleading. I'm the most popular girl a my school and I love making new friends! My best friends are Amy (Alanna's doll same link as above) and Sandy (My Mother's best friend's AG doll) I'm ten-years-old, but since I go to innerstar university I can still be a cheerleader! So That's good. Anyway Lissy's bugging me about giving her a turn so I better go. Oh and Here's a pic.
Okay It's my turn, finally! Sorry about my sister Kassy. Don't worry if you're a tomboy like me, you're probably thinking "oh no! this is a blog full of girly girls! " but I'm here! Alright let me start my intro.
I was adopted from Virginia. I'm 8 years old. I love, gymnastics, basketball, soccer and anything sports! My best friend is Ann (same link as above). My nickname is Lissy. Here's my pic!
Well we have to go! Emeline, Meg and Sarah will post soon!